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作者: wz          发布日期:2010-11-02     浏览次数:



Northwest A and F University
International Workshopon Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Introduction of the Workshop:
Applied Mathematics and Statistics Workshop is a forum for graduate students and faculties from Northwest A and F University and international well-known scholars to present and discuss their research work in progress.
Applied Mathematics and statistics are very important and scientific tools applied to research areas in agriculture, forestry, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, medical and biological sciences, economics and finance, and many other fields in colleges from our university.
Objectives of this Workshop:
The main objective of the international workshop is to initiate and enhance the interaction, exchange of ideas, and possible collaboration.
To bring in researchers in math, statistics and applied mathematics who are collaborating and/or who are interested in collaboration.
To bring in researchers from outside our research areas who interested in collaborating with math, statistics and applied mathematics researchers.
Tonghui Wang, Houji Scholar and Professor; Zhao Xu, Associate Professor
Chongbin Shao, Professor.
Houji Scholar fund, Northwest A&F University
College of Science
College of Innovative Experiment
May 29
9:00-9:10 am Official opening and remarks
9:10-9:30 am
From I Ching to Decision Making under Interval Uncertainty
Vladik Kreinovich
Department of Computer Science
University of Texas at El Paso
El Paso, TX 79968, USA
9:30-9:35 am Questions and discussion
9:35-9:55 am
Shrinkage estimation of covariance matrix for portfolio
Tiefeng Ma
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Email: matiefeng@swufe.edu.cn
9:55-10:00 am Questions and discussion
10:00-10:15 am Coffee and tea break
10:10-10:35 am
The New Progress in the Theory and Application of Hyperalgebras
Xiao-long Xin
Department of Mathematics
Northwest University, Xi'an, 710127, P. R. China
Email: xlxin@nwu.edu.cn
10:35-10:40 am Questions and discussion
10:40-11:00 am
Berlin Wu
Dept. of Mathematical Science
National Chengchi University
11:00-11:05 am Questions and discussion
11:05-11:25 am
Applications of the hit-or-miss topology in topologically dynamical systems
Yangeng Wang
Department of Mathematics                    
Northwest University, Xian, Shaanxi, 710127, P.R.China
Email: ygwang@nwu.edu.cn
11:25-11:30 am Questions and discussion
11:35-11:55 am
Zhenhua Guo
Department of Mathematics                       
Northwest University, Xian, Shaanxi, 710069, P.R.China
11:55-12:00 am Questions and discussion
12:00-2:00 pm Lunch
2:00-2:20 pm
Formal Concept Analysis and Attribute Reduction
Ling Wei
Department of Mathematics                       
Northwest University, Xian, Shaanxi, 710069, P.R.China
Email: wl@nwu.edu.cn
2:20-2:25 pm Questions and discussion
2:25-2:45 pm
Confidence Intervals for the Normal Means with Priori Information
Suparat Niwitpong and Sa-aat Niwitpong
Department of Applied Statistics
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
2:45-3:05 pm Questions and discussion
3:05-3:10 pm
Dynamic Extreme Learning Machine
Rui Zhang
Department of Mathematics
Northwest University, Xian, Shaanxi, 710069, P.R.China
3:10-3:30 pm Questions and discussion
3:30-3:35 pm Coffee and Tea break
3:35-3:40 pm
A Simulation Study of Estimator for the Stable Index
Wararit Panichkitkosolkul[1]
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science and Technology,
Thammasat University, Phathum Thani, 12121, Thailand.
3:40-3:45 pm Questions and discussion
3:45-4:05 pm
The Generalized p-value for Coefficients of Variation for Lognormal Distribution
Rada Somkhuean and Sa-aat Niwitpong*
Department of Applied Statistics
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
1518 Piboonsongkhram Road, Bangsue, Bangkok, 10800, Thailand
*email: snw@kmutnb.ac.th
4:05-4:10 pm Questions and discussion
4:10-4:30 pm
Pseudorandomness of subsets
Huaning Liu
Department of Mathematics
Northwest University,Xi'an, Shaanxi,People's Republic of China
E-mail: hnliumath@hotmail.com  
4:30-4:35 pm Questions and discussion
4:35-4:40 pm
Confidence intervals for the coefficients of variation with bounded parameters
Jeerapa Sappakitkamjorn* and Sa-aat Niwitpong
Department of Applied Statistics, Faculty of Applied Science,
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand
E-mail: jsj@kmutnb.ac.th*, snw@kmutnb.ac.th
4:40-4:45 pm Questions and discussion
4:45-5:05 pm
Risk Measures and Asset Pricing Models with Wang Transforms under Skew Distributed Settings
Weizhong Tian and Tonghui Wang
Department of Mathematics
New Mexico State University, USA
xjlaojiu@nmsu.edu; twang@nmsu.edu
5:05-5:10 pm Questions and discussion
General discussion and conclusion remarks
May 30
9:00-9:20 am
Fuzzy Target-Based Decision Analysis with an Application to Personalized Recommendation
Van-Nam Huynh
School of Knowledge Science
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Email: huynh@jaist.ac.jp
9:20-9:25 am Questions and discussion
9:25-9:45 am
Skew Normal Distributions ---Properties and Applications
Tonghui Wang
New Mexico State University and Northwest A and F University
9:45-9:50 am Questions and discussion
9:50-10:10 am
Almost 2,000 Years After Liu Hui's Nine Chapters" Calculus Remains a Diffcult Subject for Many Students: How We Can Help
Olga Kosheleva
Department of Teacher Education
University of Texas at El Paso
El Paso, Texas 79968, USA
email olgak@utep.edu
10:10-10:15 am Questions and discussion
10:15-10:30 am Coffee and tea break
10:30-10:50 am
Confidence interval for the inverse of a normal mean with a known coefficient of variation
Arunee Wongkhao and Sa-aat Niwitpong
Department of Applied Statistics, Faculty of Applied Science,
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok,
Bangkok 10800, Thailand
rpoocmu@gmail.com, snw@kmutnb.ac.th
10:50-10:55 am Questions and discussion
10:55-11:15 am
Effect of Unit Root Test on Prediction Interval for a Simple Seasonal AR(1) Model
Monchaya Chiangpradit1 and Sa-aat Niwitpong2
1 Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University, Kantariwichai,
 Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand
2Applied Statistics Department, Faculty of Applied Science, King Mongkut’s University of
Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok10800, Thailand,
    Correspondence should be addressed to Sa-aat Niwitpong ; snw@kmutnb.ac.th
11:15-11:20 am Questions and discussion
11:20-11:40 am
Dependence, Association Concepts via Copula
Zheng Wei
The department of Mathematics
New Mexico State University
11:40-11:45 am Questions and discussion

E-mail: wararit@mathstat.sci.tu.ac.th


 International Workshop on Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Northwest A&F University
 Yangling, China
May 29-31, 2013    
Introduction of the international workshop:       
Applied Mathematics and Statistics Workshop is aforum for graduate students and faculty from Northwest A and F University andinternational well-known scholars to present and discuss theirresearch work inprogress.
Applied Mathematics and statistics are very important and scientific tools used insocial sciences, natural sciences, engineering, medical and biological sciences,economics and finance, and many other fields in colleges from our university.
Theinvited professors and experts from New Mexico State University (USA), University ofTexas at El Paso (USA), Bowling Green State University(USA), The University of Sydney Business School(AUSTRILIA), School Of Knowledge Science(JAPAN), Chiang Mai University (THAILAND),  King Monkut's University of Technology(THAILAND), Thammasat University(THAILAND), Tan Tao University(Viet Nam), Northwest University(CHINA), Southwestern University of Finance and Economics(CHINA), and Southwest Universityof Finance and Economics(CHINA), etc.
Objective of the International Workshop:
The  main objective of the international workshop is to initiate and enhance the interaction, exchange of ideas, and possible collaboration .
To bring in researchers in math, statistics and applied mathematics who are collaborating and/or who are interested in collaboration.
To bring in researchers from outside our research areas who interested in collaborating with math, statistics and applied mathematics researchers.
Invited speakers: 
Vladik Kreinovich, University of Texas at El Paso, USA
Naijun Sa, University of Texas at El Paso, USA
Hanfeng Chen, Bowling Green State University, USA
Boris Choy, The University of Sydney Business School, AUSTRILIA
HUTNH Van Nam, School Of Knowledge Science, JAPAN
Sa-aat Niwitpong, King Monkut's University of Technology, THAILAND
Suparat Niwitpong, King Monkut's University of Technology, THAILAND
Kamon Budsaba, Thammasat Univeristy, THAILAND
Hien Duy Tran, Tan Tao University, Viet Nam
Uyen Pham, University of Economics and Law, Viet Nam
Wichitra Phonyiemv, King Monkut's University of Technology, THAILAND
Monchaya Chiangpradit, Mahasarakham University, THAILAND
Wararit Panichkitkosolkul, Thammasat University, THAILAND
Ling Wei, Northwest University, CHINA
Xiaolong Xin, Northwest University, CHINA
Yangeng Wang, Northwest University, CHINA
Huaning Liu, Northwest University, CHINA
Rui Zhang, Northwest University, CHINA
Zhenhua Guo, Northwest University, CHINA
Rendao Ye, Hangzhou Dianzi University, CHINA
Baokun Li, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, CHINA
Tiefeng Ma, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, CHINA
Tonghui Wang, Houji Scholar and Professor
Zhao Xu, Associate Professor.
Houji Scholar fund, Northwest A&F University
College of Science
College of Innovative Experiment


